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Technical textiles featured in the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec's Plan magazine

July 18 2024

“Whether it's optimizing textile manufacturing processes or reducing the environmental footprint of the products used in their manufacture, this industry is constantly innovating” (source Plan).
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How to divert 40 tonnes a year of textile waste from landfill

July 09 2024

Discover this brief report summarizing the benefits of the synergy between Quebec companies Niedner and Alkegen, to better understand the many facets of this circular economy initiative.

A project carried out in collaboration with the CTTÉI and TechniTextile Québec, the textile materials niche of excellence.


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Evaluation of the Objective Properties of the Cool or Warm Touch of Textiles

July 09 2024

The measurement of thermal effusivity allows quantifying a subjective notion, a sensation felt upon touch. This enables scientific validation and quantification of comfort through a comparative study since, depending on the use of the textile, a warm or cool touch sensation will be preferred.
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Canadian Circular Textiles Consortium is calling for collective action

June 12 2024

Adapting to the principles of circular economy is one way to reduce the textile and apparel industry’s impact on our planetary boundaries and support communities. In order to achieve this systemic transformation, we’re calling for collective action.
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Thermal Analysis: DMA, TMA, and Dilatometry

June 12 2024

Materials engineering needs precise evaluation and thermal analysis services is part of them. The following technics: Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA), Thermomechanical Analysis (TMA), and Dilatometry are used for polymers testing as well as composite materials.
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At CTT Group, we develop innovative products for the industry.

May 16 2024

Sustainable Innovation: Textile insulators composed of 85% recycled fibers.

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